Fireside cleanup
A day to remember. Though all days are even when they are not. Today I tackled a few jobs that I put off for a year and a half because I … well, I don’t exactly know except I thought they would be big projects and so I didn’t want to face them. One was the burn pile… the burn pile that contained trees from the first burn pile a couple of years ago when we bulldozed the buildings here … trees that didn’t burn the first time. The other project was cutting up the I-beams from the mobile home we demolished. That metal has been an eyesore for so long and now its all done. We made a huge inroad away from “junkyard” and toward “pasture”. It took all day and I am pretty exhausted, but the splinter in my brain has been removed and the relief is pretty sweet. As an added bonus, I sat in the dark with two of my kids at two different times and we just talked. Esme and I got to talk about 6 year old stuff and I got to be present and hold her in the ...