A lesson in nutrition
Things were going well. I felt like I was coming along at a pace that would get me through ironman in a few months. Over the last few weeks I've done a 2 hour swim in a lake - and the wetsuit made it sooo wonderful. I hate the pool now. Just like Dave said. We've done some longer bike rides and runs and bricks and its all been pretty comfortable. Then Saturday Dave and I did Blood Sweat and Gears (the 50 - it was donated to us as a training ride because of Triabetes and the fact that it takes off from Valle Crucis School) - after that I planned on running 14 (a double cub). Well I rode well (for me) and was done with the rather hilly ride in 2:52 but was beginning to cramp up at the end. Well the run was miserable... I mean M I S E R A B L E. I was cramping all over and it was hot...for us. A 7 mile run that usually take me 1 hour (mostly uphill) took me an hour and a half. I found out later that 1) I need to drink more and 2) I need a whole lot more electrolytes. Gatorade/Vita...