A lesson in nutrition

Things were going well. I felt like I was coming along at a pace that would get me through ironman in a few months. Over the last few weeks I've done a 2 hour swim in a lake - and the wetsuit made it sooo wonderful. I hate the pool now. Just like Dave said. We've done some longer bike rides and runs and bricks and its all been pretty comfortable. Then Saturday Dave and I did Blood Sweat and Gears (the 50 - it was donated to us as a training ride because of Triabetes and the fact that it takes off from Valle Crucis School) - after that I planned on running 14 (a double cub). Well I rode well (for me) and was done with the rather hilly ride in 2:52 but was beginning to cramp up at the end. Well the run was miserable... I mean M I S E R A B L E. I was cramping all over and it was hot...for us. A 7 mile run that usually take me 1 hour (mostly uphill) took me an hour and a half. I found out later that 1) I need to drink more and 2) I need a whole lot more electrolytes. Gatorade/Vitalyte stuff alone won't cut it. I was totally planning on having a nice training day and I got a big lesson in not being stupid. Which totally freaks me out for the Grandfather mountain marathon in a few weeks. Tomorrow Dave and I are going to do 10 up and 10 back on the course (20 total) to get a feel for it. I will drink and suck down electrolytes. My sugar levels have been pretty good, however. We had a diabetic cookout yesterday for many of the type 1 students and parents up here and I got to meet a woman named Bianca who is going to create a Diabetes lifestyle family retreat up here. There are some exciting things going on - I will update more on that later. Oh and Matt showed us the pictures from his Utah canoe trip with Peter and insulindependence....very sweet. Well, I'm off to the doctor to find out how much worse my A1C is than Dave's. He tagged a 5.8 - who can compete with that? If I get in under 7 this time, I'll be happy.

OK - I'm back - 6.2 A1C....yes!

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