Late night update

Its almost 11 and I just wolfed down a burrito and chips and some of Ashley's birthday cake...yum. I just wanted to update everyone on Dave (and me). Saturday we went on a 65 mile ride, monday we ran 14, tonight we rode 28 and then ran 10.8 ....and yesterday dave did a triathlon (and I think he did something sunday, too). We were running tonight and were amazed at how we felt - we were keeping a pretty consistent 8:30 mile for the entire time and it felt great. For the first time this thing is feeling doable. I'm sure that experienced people and triathletes will scoff as our amazement, but in the dark we went back and talked about where we started this thing. Dave has gotten so much faster. It was really ridiculous to jump into an ironman like we did, but dang it if we aren't heading toward dave's 1st phrase at the sign up - "I'm a type 1 diabetic and I'm doing the ironman". This project has given us so much and changed our perspectives so radically that it has gone beyond a project or a goal and has become a life changing event. Oh, on our run/bike last thursday - a severe thunderstorm was going through and we ran anyway (I did change out of my see through white shorts and ran in my bike shorts - hello chafing) - lightning was all around and we kind of joked our way through it - we figured that some higher power really wants us to do the ironman (because it is opening doors and changing lives left and right) and so we were safe - thank goodness because a bolt hit really close and was crackling the power lines around us...

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