The school

I think it really is going to happen.

We've gotten a town to believe it.  We've gotten a superintendent to believe it.  We got a US senator on our side.  We have to convince a few principals next week and then that might actually be our last major hurdle.  The universe keeps smiling at us and pieces keep falling right into place.  We've kept quiet about it and will for a bit longer, but I am dying to tell you (the world) about it.

We turn in the final section of our grant in a few weeks.  Its been 7 months full on.  The core group are all my dear friends.  Some dear friends have dropped out, but the ones still in are still all the way in.  Its been quite beautiful and win or lose, it will have been the best thing I have ever done in education.  If it doesn't succeed, I am ok to fade away and find balance in my life and leave the stress of what I do behind.

The MRI showed that my shoulder has a full thickness tear in the rotator cuff.  I can't sleep well (nothing new - but now its physical pain) and I really don't know if I will have the time or money to get it fixed anytime soon.  Its kind of depressing, but perhaps its an appropriate cross to bear.  I can still swing a hammer, I just can't put on a shirt.

The kids are doing great.  Zoe's big play is tomorrow at the Ashe Co civic center.  Its damn near killed us, but I am proud of her for doing it.  Adia's birthday is Tuesday and she is going nuts about it.  Esme is still my fighter.  It brings tears to my eyes to recognize how fast they are growing up.

This spring seems to be my first one in years.  I am still buried, but like the seed... I sense the warming of the Earth and I realize I did not die.

Update:  Zoe's play was fantastic!! The bamboo forest.  I am so proud of her.  I drove her to Ashe County in the morning on the back on the motorcycle and dropped her off.  That evening we came back and were blown away by her.  She stood up on stage all alone and did a wonderful soliloquy.  I am so freaking proud.

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