It hasn't even started yet?

I agreed to this in August of 07 and I signed up for it in September. I've been running, swimming, and biking... I'm sore and sleepy quite a lot and I am just realizing that I have not really begun to train yet...

I guess I should set the stage. My name is Steve and I am a Type 1 Diabetic and have been since I was 10 (so 25 years). I've kept pretty good control (just lucky on that front - not due to excess effort) and I was always kind of active - so when my neighbor moved in (also a Type 1) and somehow talked me into being part of a group (now called Triabetes - see of Type 1 Diabetics that will train for and complete in the 2008 Ironman Wisonsin. I wasn't a runner, I was a terrible swimmer, and I was slow on the bike.... so I figured, "why not?"

This blog will be a record of my path through this process.

More to come.... as I figure out what a blog is....

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