
  • So I've been putting off going to Dr. Morgan because 1) I am lazy and 2) Dave had an A1C of 5.5 the last time and I knew that there was no way I'd ever get my A1C down that far.  
  • For those who don't know, the A1C is a blood test that looks at glucose attachment to red blood cells - this happens when blood cells are made - and since blood cells live around 120 days, you get basically a 3 month shot at your blood sugar control.  Normal (I guess I should say Non-diabetic) levels are 3.9-6.5.  
  • Before Triabetes, I had never broken 7... in 25 years.  Not that 7 isn't pretty good.  Then while training for Ironman, I got down to 6.2.  I thought that would be the low point.  Since the 7 months since Ironman, I haven't swam one time.... I've only run a few times... and there have been very few bike rides.  Everything I gained through training, I have lost:)
  • Actually, its not everything apparently.  My A1C yesterday was 5.2 - on the lower half of normal!  It looks like I have learned something about being a diabetic over the last year and it seems to have something to do with taking this "disease" seriously - i.e. testing when I need to test, being conscious of the interaction of insulin and food and (lack of) exercise at all times (thank you Diabetes Training Camp), switching to a morning and evening lantus shot, basically (as Dave used to say) being a "professional diabetic"
  • And I still can't count carbs
  • PS - I wasn't low that much in the last few months (like 7 months) - so it was a kind of genuine A1C
  • I emailed the Triabetes folks and the Diabetes Training Camp guru Dr. Matt Corcoran and basically thanked them again for saving my life.
  • On a related note, the guy who talked me into Triabetes, John Moore - is gearing up to run the Leadville 100 with another Triabetic, Peter Nerothin.   They both are on the board of Insulindependence.  The Leadville 100 is a 100 mile RUNNING race through the Colorado Rockies.  The only other diabetic who has done this is Bill Carlson... the most famous Triabetic.  If you want to help out John, please consider giving $10 - its easy and fast and safe at FIRSTGIVING. He is trying to raise $10,000 for Triabetes and Insulindependence by having 1000 donors of $10 each.  Thanks for considering it.  Please pass it on to anyone who might have an interest in Diabetes - Because inspiring diabetics is as important as any of the medicine or technology out there.

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