
I have been gone for a looong time.  But as life tends to do, it teaches lessons all the time - and all I have to do is pay a little bit of attention.  Well, the most recent lesson I have learned is that I have an amazing family and I am a complete moron for losing touch with them for so long.  The past weekend, Zoe and I zoomed down to Atlanta to see my Korean side of the family.  It was all my Dad's sisters and whoever else could make it.  It was a mountain of food, laughs, and love.  It was wonderful.

Here is what every reunion needs... a snake - and it wasn't me!  The real men (brother in law Dave, cousin Caleb, and myself) went down to the river to muck around a bit while the less manly crowd went to get steaks and alcohol:)  But we came upon this black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta, of course) at the trail head and I really got to turn into "Mister Science Teacher" for my 6th grade cousin.  Yes, he's like 12 or 13.  Yes, he could thrash me.  But he's sooo cool.
My Aunts with Liza, Zoe, Mia, Lauren, and Caleb.  It was so much fun to talk to my aunts again.  Its pretty sad, I didn't get a pic of my cousin John (but we did stay at his house the night before), my cousin Keebs, my cousin Jason, or any of my uncles....Igoo, Igoo, Igoo....  They (my aunts) asked if I wanted to take some food home - I said "sure, I'll take a bit".  They worked for 45 minutes and the doggie bag was an actual cooler.  My family ate Korean for lunch and dinner for a week.  It has been a week and I am still eating kimchee....niiiice.

We Koreans do the picture thing right.
I hadn't seen my sister Aimee and Dave for too long.  I absolutely loved hanging out with her again.
John's wife Cindy - I used to go see them all the time when I was in high school - it was wonderful with those guys again.  Zoe was a huge hit.
Zoe with Mia, Hannah, and Lauren.  Hannah is an amazing person and was absolutely wonderful with the kids.  Mia and Lauren (I hadn't seen them since they were babies) were just a joy.
Post reunion stuff - Adia at a petting zoo.
Zoe and Adia adding some amendments to the soil in Damascus this weekend.  Lookey how nice the taters are doin, boy!  I need to get one of those rice paddy hats....

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