Trying to breathe

Without coughing, that is. It's the rib breaker old man cough often with a little gag thrown in at the end for style. It's never ending nature is endearing, however.  Zoe went back to the doctor today for a rash that developed after strep throat... Which can be a bad sign, but it was just an allergic reaction to antibiotics. The doc said that this virus we all have might actually be the flu this year... Figures.  It brings to mind a line in a song by Sam Baker (first new artist I have listened to in a long long time)... The line is "suffering heals all pain"... From "healing angels" ... But my lung expulsions are not quite the same as what happened to Sam - he was on a bus to Machu Picchu and a bomb exploded in the luggage rack above him - he's got some serious damage and a hell of a story... And he didn't start writing songs until after the explosion. He has traumatic brain injury too and it affects his lyrics and rhythm... Though genius emerges in a simplistic Dylan-esque way.  "Broken Fingers" is about the kid in the seat facing him on that bus, who died along with his parents... Might as well listen to angel hair too, if this post has turned into a plug for Sam Baker.

On the flip side, I put in the water line and wire... In a 100 foot trench dug 2-3 feet deep by shovel.  That was a lot of digging. Thankfully, Ashley helped the other day while I coughed.  The waste line will go in the same trench but I didn't get to that today... Next time. Once that is done, heck the place is livable:). Slowly but surely.  

I thought I would be further along by now... 

The trench ended up waist deep...

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