Really? Busy.

I just need to write this to remember.  I am pretty exhausted.  So we moved in to our new place and even worse, we moved out of our old place and had to get it ready for renters.  Our deadline was August 1 - we made it but really just barely.  Juuust in time for school to start.  So right from working like mad to "finish" the house and move out to work days at school (lot of fun analyzing faulty data.. but it was back at my old school - room 507 - a tad difficult)  while trying to throw together the coast trip to getting ready for the first day of school.  That got me to Friday.  When I left Friday, I had a flat front tire.  It was raining.  Hard.  I pumped up a bit and took off to the grocery store and bank. After, I noticed that I still had some air, so I pumped it up at the gas station and took off.  I stopped at Straight Branch to check and pump up again.  It still had some.  So off I went.  I kept looking down at it to see.  Then around Beartree, it felt very flat.  It was pouring rain.  I looked down and the tire rolled out sideways and next thing I know I am sliding down Hwy 58 watching my bike slide in front of me.  I wasn't going very fast so I really didn't get hurt at all.  I was running toward the bike before it stopped sliding.  I got it up and turned around and limped it to a pull-over.  Still pouring rain.  That's when Bonnie T from my work drove up and asked if I needed a ride:)  She was the only car that came past.  That takes me to today - Ash went to Glade to do the town yard sale (perfect timing) while I dug post holes for the goat fence... through rock.  It was some of the worst digging I've done and I am no virgin.  I was flat out exhausted at 5 when I came in to a phone call from Ash saying that the truck blew a radiator hose.  So down the mountain I go again and after an hour of wrangling, got it fixed (awfully nice that it happened right near the auto parts store).  What will tomorrow bring?  I am seriously tired from the last 2 months.  Am I really depending on school to be a break?  The irony.

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