Valle Crucis 25K tomorrow

Tomorrow morning Russ is going to pick me up at 6:45 for the Valle Crucis 25K. So that's my old school - Russ teaches there - Dave teaches there - it seems fitting. Its only a couple of miles from my house. It should be good to run it with Russ... however I have this worry about him smoking me up the hill... or worse, making me stay with him up the hill. But all in all it should be fun. This last week of training was sketchy at best. I had a good last weekend - but was pretty tired the rest of the week. Feeling better now... except for some weird catch in my rib right in front of my heart... thankfully, it only hurts when I breathe... and sneeze. I'm trying to be a typical masochist triguy tomorrow by taking my bike to the race and going for a ride afterward. Like that will make up for last week. Michelle has her giant JDRF Gala in Wisconsin today or tomorrow and John and Maureen and some of the triabetes gang will be there. John finished school on wednesday and is planning on trying sleep again. I'm happy for him to be done... however, now that means that they are going to move back to Colorado. Best not to think about that right now. In family news - the girls are doing great - Adia is walking like crazy... and dancing... and really getting into stuff now. Its so wild to watch personality unfold. She demands a lot and really likes having her way. So that makes 3 women in this house like that. hmmm. Zoe is still huge on playing dinosaur and unicorn - but is now making others rather than just me and Ash do that - she's getting much better at going up to people and interacting (which means acting out something like dinosaur). Its fun to watch from outside the game. Ash and the kids are in Greenville this weekend to rescue a Cardigan Welsh Corgi (yes, its a sickness - but that's what makes us who we are, I guess) which is a low-rider border collie - its a herding dog and its a male, so I just need to be happy about that. A couple of days ago my hive swarmed....again. It landed on the same post. Jon was over again. It was a bit uncanny. We hived it and it seems to be doing well. It was a really neat experience. One hive has become 3. Oh, and I took off my first super of honey. I could hardly hold it. It was a magical feeling - harvesting something. And the chicks are doing great. 27 little guys -its so fun to watch them... not as much fun to clean out the water every day. Notice the bike on the trainer - I figured it was a nice touch - kind of like a diabetic triathlete farmer.... I like it. I should change the name to Triabubba - etes. There is probably something more clever out there. Sorry. The rabbits keep getting into their food.... which really is funny sometimes - they can get anywhere. Anyway - things are well and I really enjoy this spring - the running, and biking, and swimming are getting old, but the animals are fun ... our apple tree might have escaped the frost, too, in case you were as concerned as we were:) Peace

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