Wow. What a weekend - a lot of pain but worth it

Holy cow - look at that bald spot! Ok, the weekend began bad enough - I went for a run friday morning... 3 miles flat and I thought I was going to die. I was low, so that might have had something to do with it... So the next morning, Russ comes to pick me up and we head to Valle Crucis School to run the Valle Crucis 25K. It pretty much goes uphill for a very long way and just when your legs are jelly, it comes back on a very nice descent - only you are too far gone to appreciate it. Or you would be too far gone if your blood sugar was rounding up to 300 the entire uphill part which totally chokes off the muscles. Thankfully it plummeted the entire way down and I ended up testing 6 times and eating 3 packages of clif bloks... understand each package is like 2 gels. So my legs got worked by the diabetes. But it was a fun run and I got to hang out with some good friends like Wayne and Russ. Russ and I ran the entire thing together... he even waited while I tested all those times - and got passed by the same people over and over - we'd work to pass and then I'd stop - then we'd get passed - then we'd work.... you get the picture. It was enduring to ruin his race like that. However, he did get to float up the last hill which I was glad about - I finished in 2:16 - Russ was a minute or two faster. So then the great idea I had about bringing my bike and riding afterwards comes into play. I'm toast. I get on the bike and then have to ride about A MILLION miles uphill... that little muscle above the knee on the inside just cramped every time I pushed on the pedals. Ah joy. Dave and I and Jake went on a bike ride the next morning - about 30 miles - but it really brought my legs back... to where I could walk again - Dave has gotten loads better just in the last week - the guy is amazing. And he learned to drink from the water bottle while on the bike! Ash and the kids get home with the new dog Riley (after Radar O'riley - MASH) and he really is a super cool dog - but I didn't have time to hang with him because there was ANOTHER swarm in the little apple tree. It was another really amazing site. I called Amy who had lost a couple of packages recently (I had nothing to put them in) and she came over and we tried our best to get them in her hive. I really thought we got them in but I must have missed the queen. They made their way back to the tree and then swarmed off. We followed them way up the hill but they wouldn't land. So they are now off to replace the wild bee population that was decimated recently. So Ash and the kids and I and the dogs (plural now) then went to Valle Crucis park and Zoe swam in the river with her goggles on - chasing fish. Little bit of perfection there. We all migrated over the "Bridge to Terebithia" back to Valle Crucis school and let the dogs run and we all played on the playground equipment with no one else in sight. Very nice end to an eventful weekend. If only I had worked on some school stuff... oh well - there is always 5am - cause tomorrow is a rest day!

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