24 Units

Its been a great start to winter so far - as long as you like snow days and cold weather. I read today that this is the 3rd coldest November in the past 80 years here. Zoe, Adia and the dogs like it, though. We all went sledding the other day (on the same sled) and had a ball. Hardly anyone got hurt:) You can see Zoe and Riley in the pic with our newly-being-painted-except-for-this-cold-weather barn in the background. In triabetes news, Reid is into the Triabetes thing full bore and even got his triabetes blog up and running. http://trashmantoironman.blogspot.com/ He is trying to outdo Dave to see how far off the couch he can go - but he's got big shoes to fill. Rumor has it that Dave was interviewed for a story...about him...in the New York Times. I talked to him before the interview but I haven't talked to him since. I hear it will be out in early 2009. I'm pretty proud of those 2 jokers. Which reminds me - I am also proud of my chickens. Nice segway, I know. Of the Buff Orpington roosters, it turns out that one was a hen! Found 7 eggs in the henhouse. We thought she might be a hen and so we kept her and another rooster out of the freezer. Didn't think she'd lay until spring however - pretty exciting, in its own hickville sort of way. My first eggs. As Woody Allen said "Its all about the eggs"... wow - didn't know it was a literal thing! The other picture is of a bike I am commuting on now - I turned Ashley's cross bike into a singlespeed with a flat bar. I absolutely love it - however, my ride to work is 11 miles and its all uphill. Actually its not all uphill - it just feels that way - its a pretty large overall gain. And now on singlespeed, its a bit brutal. There are times my arms wear out because I am pulling on the bars so hard. I'm even slower than before but I love it more. On the flats and downhills, you are forced to coast and enjoy it. OK, now rewind a couple of days. With all the worry and doctor visits concerning Ashley's leg over the last few weeks, I just stopped doing any activity. I did go for a run the day after thanksgiving but that is about it. Well, a couple of days ago we went to Asheville to meet with a specialist and to figure out (1) how Ash is doing and (2) what the plan is to have this baby next month. (Ash is doing fine and we are going to have the birth in Asheville...which is difficult but doable...somehow) Anyway - a couple of hours before dinner I was 270, so I took 4 units. I ate nothing. At dinner I tested again to see how far it had come down. 285. I got a bit angry and rage bolused 10 units for dinner - and didn't eat a whole lot. Before bed I was feeling a bit high and tested again. 360! Furious, I took another 10 units and just expected to wake up stunningly low at some point in the night. Slept all through the night and woke up the next am at 75. Man. 24 units for one meal. I went an ran the cub the next morning. As I was coming down the last mile and a half or so, Russ drove by and I hopped in for a ride back to Valle Crucis. I wasn't just out of shape, I was low as well. Then I rode to work today and home in the rain. And the last 2 days have been in perfect control. Exercise and Blood sugar, Exercise and Blood sugar.... why can't I remember it?!? Wasn't that the lesson from Triabetes?

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