Where I have been lately

All right. A lot has happened. And I am just going to give the condensed version or this would take waaay too long. First and foremost for us is that Ashley was diagnosed with a clot in her leg (saphenous from knee to junction with femoral). She worried she had a clot but had a devil of a time convincing doctors of that. After a few weeks of pain - it changed color and she once again called the doc and they said to go to the ER. After a very long time in the ER and very little sleep and an ultrasound, Ashley's worst nightmare had come true. Now I am not just joking about that. It really is her worst fear..and tornadoes. We would always joke about DVT (deep vein thrombosis) whenever anyone had a twinge of anything in their leg. Joke is on us, now. However, after numerous talks with doctors all over the place (we go to Asheville today for another) we have learned a few things. 1) don't joke about DVT - the universe has a sense of humor (2) DVT is not the guaranteed death we used to think it was (remember David Bloom?) its serious, but not as bad as we had it in our minds (3) Trust your instincts - doctors are very human and (4) the goal of clot treatment is not necessarily to remove it - just to stabilize it so the body can kind of make it a permanent fixture. Anyhow - Ashley has walked through her personal valley of shadow and is really emerging in great fashion. I am extremely proud of her. Now we just need to get that baby out. Which we don't have a name for yet. Other rather gigantic news is that I have a half sister that just learned about. She is a really amazing person and I hope to see her soon. She has the potential to be quite a healing force in my life and I am grateful to have her in my (and my family's) life. More to come on this later, however. A quick aside - just got the call about a snow day! And this makes the second day that I have made sub plans and not had to use them! I'm golden! And then our dear friend Janet called to see if she could keep the kids while we go to Asheville. Wow. People are great. I have more things to tell but now the clock is against me. I'll leave with a photo of Adia in a turkey box. I used to love being pulled around in a turkey box... circle of life thing, I guess:) Oh, I did learn one more thing triabetic wise: a complete lack of exercise for a few weeks wreaks havoc on blood sugar. Hmmm, you'd of thought I would know that already.

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