O, Christmas Twig, O Chritmas Twig....

Don't laugh (well, try not to) - we cut the branches from a 3 year old hanging dead black locust tree (perfect wood - still in perfect shape after all that time) - I did it with Adia on my back and Zoe helped me drag the branches back to the house... in snow flurries. We peeled the branches and then "assembled" the tree in the basement. Wrapped it in lights and voila - Christmas spirit jumped into the house without the guilt of buying a pesticide treated tree that is polluting our groundwater. Thank you Jed and Deby for the idea. Ornaments are not on yet... more pics to come. The standing joke now is "who's gonna water the tree?"









1 day later. We put on the ornaments and now the Christmas Twig is complete. Pictures included in various formats for your viewing pleasure:) Pappy, Mimi and Morgan came up today we had a really wonderful visit. It was so great to see them again and reconnect. Me, Zoe, and Morgan went up on Bobcat hill and plastered a few tracks and wandered along the ridgeline further than I had gone before - Some really nice areas are up there as long as you don't mind walking deer trails and avoiding briars. It was pretty breezy and cold, but coming back to the warm apple pie was especially nice.


5 minutes later - I was messing around and googled my name - I was checking out the other Steve Ahns - the Harvard chap, Dr. Ahn the business guy, then I came up on YOUTUBE!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1gNQ_fhYUI&feature=related It turns out it was an interview from a grant I got, but still - its a bit unnerving. Its been viewed 23 times....the question is "by who?"... or is that whom? I don't know...

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