There could be some turbulence

Its 1:30am and I could be returning from a full moon hike with my buddy Shane, but it is way too early in the diagnosis to be sacrificing sleep.... which is ironic because here I am awake after I tested Adia (who was 155 - nice) because I am low (51 - not so nice). I've eaten but it will probably take me another hour to fall back asleep... at least tomorrow is friday.

Thanks to those who have offered thoughts and support to me and my whole family through this thing. I never realized how helpful it is to hear that someone else cares. Adia is doing really great - we went to the Pediatric Endo on tuesday in Asheville and had a really good visit... however it took 3.5 hours! And that wasn't waiting around - various folk kept coming in to talk to us - CDE's, PA's etc. It was a well run show and we are pretty happy with Dr Artz. They are going to be our team, not just a doctor that tries to tell you what to do. My mom and dad met us there and watched Zoe and Esme... which turned out to be a lifesaver. It was good to see them. I have gotten a whole new appreciation for my parents because I don't know how they handled my diagnosis so well. Most of what we are doing right now with Boo (Adia) is done with confidence because I know it worked with me. Adia sure seems to be growing bigger and her hair even seems thicker! I wonder how long she has been partly diabetic.....

The depression part of the diagnosis is ending for me and Ashley and we are getting back to the business of living (except for blogging in the dead of night). We have decided to buy the place in Glade ... which was not an easy decision. At first we wanted to run. But I truly feel that there is work that we need to do here... with the farm stuff, with the AT2 group, and with diabetics in the area.... as there seems to be not much of a support system. I don't know what the future holds, but we are going to try to move forward into it. There was a quote from some article about a guy from some African nation (nice documentation, I know) - "If we go forward, we die. If we go backward, we die. So lets go forward and die." I'm not so much looking to the future, but I am not worried about it anymore... thats a nice place to be in. We'll see what happens.

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