Breaking new ground?

I've been a bit swamped with school the last few days but here are a few updates. I began training my sleeping habits - I got up at 4 am 4 days this week (one of them was at 3...but that was my daughter's fault). I wasn't training any harder - but if I start doubling the time I need to spend on training, I know I can't count on evenings... I don't want to cut into drawing dinosaurs (Zoe) time, playing unicorn time (Zoe), changing poopie diapers (Adia) time...actually, I would rather enjoy cutting into that last time. It worked OK... as long as I don't complain about it. I did some swimming with a small thought about workout. I used to just swim a mile. Now I am doing 200's and trying to keep the time under 4 minutes. It hurts me, but it's ok. We had an ice storm friday and got the day off which was nice...seeing as I had some tests to grade which I didn't have graded...still don't have graded. We ate dinner with Jon and Carole and Jim and Diana friday night and really had a good time. It was good to (re)connect and talk about hopes for the future - like gardens, chickens, etc. But we got home a bit late and I didn't call Russ (like I said I would) to go for a I sent an email saying I would be up at 6:30 if anyone wanted to go. I didn't expect any calls -but I was up and reading the book about Team Hoyt when a spooky pale hand waved through the kitchen window in the dark - it was John - "lets go for a run" We went fast for me - about 8 miles - but it was especially good because we got to catch up and connect and vent. I felt much better mentally after the run...I said mentally. On the way back, we tested and were 80... together - he was 50 and I was 30... and that was after no insulin that morning. In another Triabetes news, I talked to Peter (which I hadn't) and we really connected - he is doing what I consider the truest form of education - experiential - and he does it for diabetics. How freaking cool. Great adventures. I have real hopes for being a part of his dream in the future. We'll see. Ironman first. I am going to take Zoe to Boston to get the NSTA grant I got - we'll hit the aquarium and Harvard's museum of Natural History... that could be really cool. I sent out 400 fundraising letters last week and have started getting some back - I have about 300 to go - I'll get those out this week... try to help keep the project afloat. The film crew will be in Boone on the weekend of the 23rd! All is going well - but we are coming down with some minor illness - stuffed up - sorry for the jumbled report. Later

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