
Well - John is just dying to go for a run...it has something to do with the fact that he is insane. It's 9 degrees out...in the sun. He wants to do 10 and then go for a swim. So we meet at school and head out. About 4 miles in, under the shadow of the Mickey-D's arches....the Bermuda triangle for blood sugar...I say I need to test - I feel slow and I'm sweating under my eyes. He does too. "Holy Crap!" he says "I'm 31(?)... I've never been this low in my life!" Welcome to the dark side, I say. I'll see if I can top that one. Then the screen displays "LO". HA! says I (thinking that LO is less than 30) "Gotcha". We laugh. We eat a bit and try to figure out how the $1.37 I have in my bag will enable us to survive. Orange Juice? Coke? If only Dave were here (he was called and emailed but left us hanging) - Dave would know what to do - He'd find some little bit of edible mulch with 0.1 grams of sugar in it. So a few minutes pass - John tests again - "Holy &*!%.... I'm 23!" At this moment I begin to worry a bit...Not about him, of course - but about the fact that we are both using One Touch Mini meters...if his reads 23, then mine should read 23, which means that "LO" is somewhere less than that....Hmmm. I test. 27. At least it was on the way up. If you added our sugars together it would only be 50! That struck us as hilarious, so we walked to the light and ran back to the school. There we used my other meter and I was 83 and he was 57, which means the readings seem to be accurate. Wow. I put another dollar in my bag...just to be safe.

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